Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pints 'n Plants Comes to Wayside

Gateway Greening brought their monthly gathering to talk plants and gardening to Normandy last night.  The topic:  rain barrels, water collection, rain gardens-we have 'em all at Wayside.

James and Matt in background

Thanks to Schlafly Brewing for providing the beverages.  And, thanks to Matt Even and James Anderson from Gateway Greening for making this happen at Wayside.

Dan Linck, Wayside Garden Leader,
welcomed the crowd
of over 60 interested participants and introduced our guest speakers from River Des Peres Watershed Coaliton: Eric and Theo

We learned  lot about water conservation, using rain barrels at home and in a community garden setting, permaculture and more.
Everyone enjoyed the setting, the beer, the cold drinks and snacks, the company of like-minded individuals, the fans providing some relief from the oppressive heat. 
It was well after dark when the crowd dispersed.
Oh, and 4 lucky gardeners won rain barrels.  Congratulations!

Just look at the crowd:

Monday, July 18, 2011


Work Day for July, 2011

Too hot for some? sure.  Thanks to everyone who came out to work anyway.  We had many Wayside gardeners sweating together to make the property look good.  We weeded, we mulched, and did it some more. In fact, we worked so hard that we forgot to take pictures to document the work going on at the Prairie Garden. But you know who you are.  Here are a few who helped out.

Don't recognize everyone?  That's because we had a dozen Dads and Daughters from the VP Organization working with us.  And, boy did they work.  Two truckloads of woodchips-GONE!  They forked it, they wheelbarred it, they spread it.  We could not have done it without these hardworking volunteers.
Thanks to Beyond Housing for setting us up with this great group.   Come back anytime!