Monday, April 30, 2012

Raised Beds: Ready to plant

Gravel and soil delivered.   check
Another Expansion Grant from Gateway Greening-4 raised beds for our gardeners who are less able to get on the ground to grow their veggies.   check

Materials delivered by Matt Even, Gateway Greening.   check
3 people, 4 beds assembled

Then the real work began.  Day after day, volunteers shovelled, wheeled, lifted, spread rock then soil.
(no "checks" yet)
Brian and Barbara

Brian tries a riskier method.

Steve and Romi take a much-needed break.

Volunteers, yeah!  Andy from UMSL and Romi from Beyond Housing

Tommie, Reneice and Richard work on the final step-soil.
Days later, work completed.  CHECK!
Thank you to everyone who worked on this backbreaking project.  There were more who helped but did not get photographed:  Brenda, Chancellor, Dan, Doug, Jane, you.
Three of the 4 beds are already planted.


  1. That's what community gardening is all about! Yeah, Wayside.

  2. How do I get a plot to get started
